Saturday, December 13, 2014

MagTech Suit Up Available For Free

The second book in the MagTech series is finally finish and published.  It is still waiting on distribution to all of the major book sites, but is available free at the following link:

The MagTech series covers a wide variety of possible technologies of the future and tries to present a feel for how they might affect the average person dealing with those technologies.  First and foremost however, it is an action adventure story that just happens to take place a couple hundred years in the future.  In building the world that it takes place, I tried to get the geopolitical climate of a future that will have to deal with:

·         Jobs being lost to technology
·         Nanotechnology providing abundant resources
·         Extended life expectancy
·         The strain of over population
·         The possibility of brain augmentation
·         And most of all the unexpected consequences of what expanding our brains might be

There are other topics covered in the series including AI, governmental over control, and paranormal powers brought on by genetic manipulation.

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